I must be a flutist...

How many years must I play the flute to be a flutist?

How many pieces must I learn?

How fast must my fingers fly?

What chair must I sit?

How many teachers must I have to be a flutist?

What schools must I attend?

To what summer festivals must I go?

What competitions must I win?

How many degrees must I have?

What flute must I play to be a flutist?

How many flutes must I own?

Must my flute be open-holed?

Must it be gold? 

How many famous flutists must I know to be one of them?

On what stages must I have played?

What endorsements must I have?

How many headshots must I have taken?

How many Instagram, YouTube, Facebook followers must I have?

Must I answer any questions to be a flutist?

Must I be a flutist?





Flute: Back to School Tips

At the start of each semester I always find myself reflecting on the importance of good beginnings. These can include the way we start playing an instrument, the way we set up our practice habits, the way we begin a new school year, or the way we begin a new job. When starting a new flute student, there are so many hopes and goals that it can be difficult to decide what to focus on. For band directors who start multiple students on different instruments, this is even more challenging. As I have gained experience as a teacher and clinician, I have found that there are really only a few things that are critical for flutists to establish when they first start playing. Below are my suggestions for creating good habits in your beginning flute students, as well as how get your returning flute students back into shape.  Continue Reading on SmartMusic.com